The year is 2006. We have made great strides in our thoughts and tolerance for other people. 5 years ago homosexuals were not allowed the right of marriage. 50 years ago black people were shunned and not treated as equals. Around 60 years ago, Jewish Men women and children were put into Nazi death camps and killed. 150 years ago women were not allowed the right to vote. Now a days these things have been eliminated or extremely cut down
Now I hardly think the persecution I face for my religion is anywhere close to what other people have suffered through out history but in this day and age you would not call a black person and nigger and force them to work in your feild. Nor would you expose and gay man to a crowd and publicly murder them. You wouldn't stone a woman to death for infedelity. We respect people more than that.
I ask why is it then that someone does not have the right to simply believe in a higher power and lead a life according to God's teachings? What is the problem with a college student believing to do unto others as he would have them do unto him? I have not tried to force my belifes on anyone I simply defend my own. I have not told people they are horrible people for drinking alcohol swearing, taking the lord's name in vain, Watching pornography, having premarital sex, lying etc etc. It's not my place to point fingers and tell them they are sinful creatures, because I have done those all myself. Your sins are between God and you not God and every watching eye.(This of course becomes different for someone who proffesses to know and love God. then as you would a classmate skipping classes constantly play online poker, we would have a conversation.) I have never tried to make myself seem better than anyone else. Infact it's worst for me to sin because I profess to love God and I know exactly when I do something against his will. For that Father I am eternaly sorry.
I understand that I can say "If you lived my life you would believe" but the opposite is true as well. If I lived some one elses life I may not believe. There are things I have experinced in my life though that make it impossible not to believe in God. I have seen prayer come to reality which some may say is coincedence but how many times can coincedence occur before you have to accept that something else is going on. I have seen miracles. I have spoken in tongues, you can not possibly understand how frightening and how humbling that is. Nature itself screams of a creator. If you see a new car sitting in a junk yard do you think to yourself "That car must have created itself by all those parts around it". No of course not same as I can not believe that nature which would take more memory to desribe and conceive then all of the worlds computers. Has come about by accident. If you see an arrow head left over from natives you know that someone created it. So why then would you think that one particle of that arrow head which is infinity more complex to make would happen by accident? I myself am a miracle, the direction I was heading before church would have landed me in a much different situation then I am now. God saved me and my family and I challenge anyone to show me any other reason that I am not a raving manic addicted to drugs sitting in a prison. I am who I am because of the great I am.
I can see it from other peoples views though. If you have never seen the power of God. If you have only seen corrupt churches, read the history of christianity, read the theory of evolution there are alot of good reasons to not believe in God. But don't you dare be ignorant enough to call what I believe in "Stupid". You can think it all you want but until you can show me proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no God you will have to accept I may be right, just as I have to accept I may be wrong because I can not prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a God, though obviously I have seen enough signs to make me darn sure.
To address something that was said also. Even though the bible was written 2000 years ago or so the original writings still exist and many different authors describe the same events the same way. Now you could retort that they collaberated their stories and lied but remeber these men wrote about being honest and not lying. So why would they collaberate and do just the opposite? Also most of the apostles met miserable ends years after their leader was dead why if they had lied and everything they wrote was I lie, why would they alow themselves all to die for it? Does this prove the bible is truth? heck no but it certainly says that it could be true.
To sum this up. Learn to respect what other people believe. You can disagree with me but you will respect my right to believe it.